Showing 26 - 50 of 85 Results
Iutam Symposium on Diffraction and Scattering in Fluid Mechanics and Elasticity Proceedings ... by Abrahams, I. David, Martin,... ISBN: 9781402005909 List Price: $179.00
Principes De Mineralogie: Ou Exposition Succinte Des Caracteres Exterieurs Des Fossiles (179... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, Va... ISBN: 9781120068095 List Price: $37.95
The Golden Age of Prince Henry the Navigator by Oliveira Martins, J. P., A... ISBN: 9781116426908 List Price: $32.75
The Golden Age of Prince Henry the Navigator by Oliveira Martins, J. P., A... ISBN: 9781116426892 List Price: $33.99
All Fluid-Flow-Regimes Simulation Model for Internal Flows (Engineering Tools, Techniques an... by Abraham, J. P., Sparrow, E.... ISBN: 9781611225037 List Price: $43.00
Clinical Anatomy of Practical Procedures : A Guide for Nurses, Students and Junior Doctors by Abrahams, P. H., Webb, P. J. ISBN: 9780846402503 List Price: $17.95
Principes De Mineralogie: Ou Exposition Succinte Des Caracteres Exterieurs Des Fossiles (179... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, Va... ISBN: 9781166297572 List Price: $18.36
The Golden Age of Prince Henry the Navigator by Reylols, Wm Edward, Oliveir... ISBN: 9781116426922 List Price: $26.99
Problems and Cases in Trial Advocacy (CLE Edition - Revised Fifth Edition, Volume 2 cases) by Beskind, Donald H., Bocchin... ISBN: 9781556812859 List Price: $30.95
The Golden Age of Prince Henry the Navigator by Oliveira Martins, J. P., A... ISBN: 9781116426915 List Price: $31.75
Principes De Mineralogie: Ou Exposition Succinte Des Caracteres Exterieurs Des Fossiles (179... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, Va... ISBN: 9781120020444 List Price: $22.95
Principes de Mineralogie : Ou Exposition Succinte des Caracteres Exterieurs des Fossiles (1795) by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, Va... ISBN: 9781166352707 List Price: $30.36
Clet and the sound of the sea: A tale from Brittany (Tabarin tales, 1) by J. P.; Retold By A. F. Scot... ISBN: 9780225274639
Memoires de Fleury de La Comedie Francaise: Publies Par J. B. P. Lafitte, Volume 2... (Frenc... by Joseph-Abraham B. Fleury ISBN: 9781273081682 List Price: $36.75
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development by Abraham, Donald J., Rotella... ISBN: 9780470770092
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development by Abraham, Donald J., Rotella... ISBN: 9780470770085
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development by Abraham, Donald J., Rotella... ISBN: 9780470770078
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development by Abraham, Donald J., Rotella... ISBN: 9780470770061
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development by Abraham, Donald J., Rotella... ISBN: 9780470770054
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development by Abraham, Donald J., Rotella... ISBN: 9780470770047
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development by Abraham, Donald J., Rotella... ISBN: 9780470770030
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development by Abraham, Donald J., Rotella... ISBN: 9780470770023
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